Rajesh Scientific Industries
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Accelerated Aggregate Polishing Machine
Accelerated Aggregate Polishing MachineProduct Details:Accelerated Aggregate Polishing Machine, IS:2..
Atterberg Indices -Shrinkage Limit
Atterberg Indices -Shrinkage LimitProduct Details:The set consists of:(i) 75 mm square Prong Plate m..
Atterberg indices- Plastic Limit
Atterberg indices- Plastic LimitProduct Details:The apparatus consists of:(i) Glass plat..
Ballast Testing Sieves
Ballast Testing SievesProduct Details:BrandRASINTolerance(+-)0.1mmFrame SizeLength-100cm,Breadth-70c..
Benkelman Beam
Benkelman BeamProduct Details:The Benkelman Beam is a simple and accurate device for measuring the d..
Concrete Mixer
Concrete MixerProduct Details:Concrete mixer laboratory type, electrically operated.Designed to remo..
Cone Penetrometer
Cone PenetrometerProduct Details:For determining the liquid limit of soils. This is especially usefu..
Crushing Value
Crushing ValueProduct Details:Used for determination of Aggregate crushing value Consisting of: ..
Cylindrical Measures
Cylindrical MeasuresProduct Details:Required for determining the bulk density of unit weight of aggr..
Density Basket
Density BasketProduct Details:For determination of specific gravity and water absorption of aggregat..
Dorry Abrasion Testing Machine
Dorry Abrasion Testing MachineProduct Details:For determination of the resistance of aggregates to s..
Double Proving Ring
Double Proving RingProduct Details:Our esteemed customers can avail from us a superior quality range..
Ductility Test Apparatus
Ductility Test ApparatusProduct Details:In the flexible pavement construction where bitumen binders ..
Field CBR Test Apparatus
Field CBR Test ApparatusProduct Details:It comprising of: Loading jack screw type capacit..
Field Density kit
Field Density kitProduct Details:the kit consists of: a. Cylindrical core cutter 100 mm inner d..
Field Density kit
Field Density kitProduct Details:the kit consists of: a. Cylindrical core cutter 100 mm inner d..
Flakiness and Elongation Gauge
Flakiness and Elongation GaugeProduct Details:Thickness gaugeIS:2386 (Part-I)Used for determining th..
GNSS and Receiver
GNSS and ReceiverProduct Details:With the assistance of our trustworthy suppliers, we are highly eng..
Grain Size Distribution Apparatus
Grain Size Distribution ApparatusProduct Details:(i) Pipette stand with moving carriage ..
Hand Held GPS
Hand Held GPSProduct Details:By using the skills of our skillful personnel, we are occupied in provi..